Definition : what is a Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a minor repair surgery to correct a deviation of the nasal septum. In reality, 80% of the population has a deviated nasal septum and only significant deformities can be the cause of nasal obstruction. Generally painless, the operation is short-lived and is performed in an outpatient setting.
Septoplasty in Morocco can be performed by a plastic surgeon if the deviation of the nasal septum causes a noticeable discomfort, most often on one side: chronic nasal obstruction, snoring, breathing difficulties, repetitive sinusitis or otitis. However, septoplasty does not change the appearance of the nose because it is not an aesthetic operation.
In the event that the deviation of the nasal septum is accompanied by a deviation of the nose or any other aesthetic gene of the nose, it will then be a heavier intervention wich is called rhinoseptoplasty.

Septoplasty in Morocco

Procedure : how is a Septoplasty performed ?

Septoplasty in Morocco lasts between 30 minutes and one and a half hours. It is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon will straighten the nasal septum. To avoid causing an external scar, the surgeon will most often go through natural orifices (endonasal incision or at the base of the nose).

Concretely, the surgeon separates the cartilage and the bone and will reshape the nasal septum so that it is as straight as possible. The main goal is to have good breathing, but it is not to have a perfectly flat septum.

Finally, it is sometimes necessary to straighten the entire nasal bone pyramid thanks to a rhino-septoplasty.

Septoplasty in Morocco

Recovery: what to expect after a septoplasty?

The recovery after a septoplasty in Morocco is painless. The main discomfort is related to the wearing of the nasal bandage and the bandages installed at the bottom of the nose. The nasal bandage is kept for about a week.

Edema and bruising can cause some discomfort and breathing discomfort for a short period of time. Normal life can be resumed within days after the intervention.

It is important to reduce physical activities for the first month after surgery and avoid any sports that might cause a shock to the nose. Exposure to the sun is possible as soon as the bruises have disappeared.

Results: what changes will I see after a Septoplasty?

The respiratory result will be evaluated only after three weeks. For the improvement of breathing, the result of septoplasty in Morocco is normally considered stable 3 to 6 months after the operation, once the swelling of the nasal mucosa completely resorbs. The operation must provide an improvement of breathing.

Regarding the aesthetic improvement, the result is definitive about a year after the intervention. You should know that you might still have some residual deviation after a septoplasty, but the improvement will be very significant.

Septoplasty in Morocco

Price: how much does it cost to get a Septoplasty?

Ask for a free online quote to have the price of a septoplasty in Morocco or contact us by phone for more information about your medical stay.

Septoplasty in Morocco