How much does a liposuction cost ?
To obtain the price of a liposuction in Morocco, you can ask for a free online quote by filling in the quotation request form or contact us by phone and one of our counselors will give you all the information and details of this procedure.
Liposuction : for whom ?
Liposuction is indicated for individuals who :
-are in good health
-have excess fat in the different areas of the silhouette such as the belly,
arms, thighs, buttocks…
and that are resistant to diet and physical activities.
-do not smoke
-do not suffer from certain diseases like heart complications, diabetes…
-are willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle after their liposuction in Morocco
and have realistic expectations.
-have elastic skin.

Before liposuction
You must have a consultation with the surgeon in order to examine you and evaluate your
health including your medical history such as your previous surgeries, your weight
variations, whether you suffer from certain diseases or if you are taking medications.
He will also explain you the process of liposuction : the way it is performed, its results,
the recovery period, its benefits…
You will tell him about your expectations and ask him questions about this intervention.
There are certain instructions that you must follow before liposuction :
-you must stop smoking and taking aspirin six weeks before the intervention.
- Oral contraception may be discontinued if there are other risk factors for phlebitis.
-you will have to do blood analysis and a medical check up before your liposuction in
Morocco so as to be sure you can undergo this operation without problems.
How is it performed ?
Liposuction in Morocco is realized under general anaesthesia, it lasts up to one
hour, it depend on the case of each patient and on the amount of excess fat to
be removed, the length of hospitalization is of two nights.
Before liposuction, the plastic surgeon marks the areas to be treated with a
surgical felt pen.
He then infiltrates a solution to liquefy the fat and to suck it out easily.
Then, small incisions will allow him to insert a cannula with a rounded foam tip
and perforated at the end. He then makes back and forth movements to suck out
the excess fat with the cannulas.
Once the fat has been aspirated, the surgeon closes the incisions with
absorbable thread and covers them with a dressing.

Aftercare and recovery
After liposuction in Morocco, the surgeon will prescribe you painkillers so as to reduce the
Bruising and swelling can appear, but fade with time.
You should wear a support garment for two months day and night.
it is quite normal to feel stiffness during the first few days.
You must take a rest and resume work after two weeks while avoiding carrying heavy
Physical activities must be avoided for a long period and resumed with the consent of your
You will have to opt for a healthy lifestyle by practising regular physical activities and
eating healthy food such as fruits and vegetables, proteins…).
Following your surgeon’s instructions and recommendations is necessary.

The first results of liposuction in Morocco are visible immediately after the intervention.
In areas where liposuction has been performed, excess fat has been removed.
The oedema disappears and the skin gradually retracts, the final result is excellent and visible 3
months after the operation.
Moreover, liposuction allows the patient to regain self confidence, feel more comfortable and have a
greater choice of clothing.
However, to maintain the results, you must opt for a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet.
The advantages of liposuction
Liposuction in Morocco has many advantages as it allows to have a sculpted silhouette while
improving the appearance of the whole body, the patient will regain self confidence and feel more
comfortable whether on a personal or social level and this will encourage him to adopt a healthy
lifestyle so as to maintain the results.
Liposuction is an effective solution to get rid of fat deposits located on different parts of the body.