How much does a gastric sleeve cost ?
To obtain the price of a gastric sleeve in Morocco, you can ask for a free online quote or contact us by phone so as to be in touch with one of our counselors to give you all the details about this intervention, she will also be pleased to answer all your questions.
Gastric sleeve : for whom ?
Gastric sleeve in Morocco is for individuals who :
Are aged of 18 to 60 years old
Have a BMI of 35kg/m2 or more
Suffer from some diseases related to their obesity as type 2 diabetes, heart
problems, sleep anea, respiratory complications…
Do not present contraindications to this intervention or any specific operative
Could not lose weight through sport or diet.

Before the intervention
During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate the health of the patient as well as his medical history (previous surgeries, weight variations…), he will examine him and ask him many questions, whether he suffers from certain diseases or not, the medications he is taking…
Then, he will explain him the process of gastric sleeve in Morocco, its steps, the recovery period, diet after this intervention, results, benefits…
It is important to notice that the patient must have several consultations with the cardiologist, the psychologist, the dietetician…, he must also do a complete medical check up and several medical examinations such as an oesogastroduodenal endoscopy, a nutritional and vitamin assessment, an assessment and management of comorbidities (cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory)…
How is gastric sleeve performed ?
Gastric sleeve in Morocco is realized under general anaesthesia and lasts
about 2
The operation is performed by laparoscopy, very rarely by laparotomy. Incisions
(usually 3 to 5) are made in the abdomen and trocars are inserted. A tube,
called a candle is inserted through the mouth into the stomach. It is used to
calibrate the new stomach. With an automatic forceps, the stomach is cut and
sutured at the same time with a triple row of staples. The resected part of the
stomach is then extracted from the abdomen.
The scars are sutured with absorbable suture, rarely with non-absorbable suture
or staples.

Aftercare and recovery
Gastric sleeve does neither lead to malabsorption nor does cause vitamin deficiencies and
unlike bypass, food will always pass through the stomach.
Painkillers are administered intravenously. Anticoagulant injections are also given.
You must rest and resume your professional activities after about three weeks.
The resumption of food must be progressive, the surgeon will prescribe you a precise
The diet is usually completely liquid for the first days, then, it consists of soup, purée,
yoghurt, then mixed and finally normal. However, it is essential to eat and drink small
amounts and chew well.
You should avoid snacking, fatty and sweet foods.
Following the recommendations of your surgeon is very important and necessary for a
successful gastric sleeve in Morocco.

The results of gastric sleeve in Morocco are spectacular and especially when the patient follows
instructions of his surgeon and adopts a healthy lifestyle.
The weight loss is of 4kgs/month during the 6 first months following a gastric sleeve. Then, in the
following months, it will be about 2 to 4kgs.
Moreover, this operation allows the patient to treat some diseases related to obesity as type 2
diabetes, high blood pressure…