Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Morocco : Price weight-loss procedure@endsection

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass is a bariatric surgery that allows individuals who suffer from obesity to lose weight and improve their health while changing their lifestyle.
This intervention aims at reducing the size of the stomach inducing a short circuit in the digestive tract, it is for individuals who have a BMI of 40kg/m2 and more and who suffer from certain diseases related to their weight such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea… and who could not lose weight through physical activities and diet.
Gastric bypass in Morocco is an effective solution to lose weight and help the patient have a healthy lifestyle and get rid of his bad habits as well as the diseases related to his weight in addition to regaining self confidence.

Gastric Bypass Morocco

How much does a gastric bypass cost ?

To obtain the price of a gastric bypass in Morocco, you can ask for a free express online quote or contact us by phone on the phone numbers you will find on our website to be in touch with one of our counselors who will be pleased to give you all the details and information about this intervention.

Gastric bypass : for whom ?

Gastric bypass in Morocco is for individuals who :
Have a BMI of 40kg/m2 or more
Suffer from diseases related to their weight as type 2 diabetes, heart complications, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, psychological problems…
Who could not lose weight through sports and diet.
Who have understood the principle of this intervention.
Who are willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle after this procedure.

Gastric Bypass Morocco

How to prepare for this intervention ?

First of all, you must have a consultation with your surgeon to evaluate your health and your medical history, it is important to notice that before undergoing gastric bypass in Morocco, you must do several several analyses and medical examinations :
A biological examination
An abdominal-pelvic ultrasound and a gastroscopy
The opinion of a psychologist to evaluate your mental health
The opinion of an endocrinologist
The opinion of a cardiologist
Your surgeon will also explain you the process of this intervention : its results, advantages, the recovery period… and you must be informed about all the steps of this procedure from the beginning to the end and after your surgery.

How is it performed ?

The surgical procedure is performed through small skin incisions (laparoscopy) under general anaesthesia.
This intervention combines a significant reduction of the stomach and a small malabsorption. It consists of creating a gastric pouch where food arrives, separated from the rest of the stomach.
The proximal part of the hail is then separated in two. The lower segment is attached to the small gastric pouch and the upper segment is attached further down on the Roux's loop.
Food thus passes from the gastric pouch into the initial part of the intestine, bypassing not only most of the stomach but also the duodenum and the first jejunal loops (50 to 70 cm).

Gastric Bypass Morocco

Aftercare and recovery

After your gastric bypass in Morocco :
The surgeon will prescribe you painkillers to reduce the pain.
You will be able to resume your professional activities after four weeks.
A postoperative diet is indicated and must be followed : it consists in starting with liquid food, then pasty food, chopped food and solid. These steps are followed progressively.
You should avoid fatty and sweet foods as well as snacking.
You should have regular check-ups with your surgeon and especially with your psychologist.
Following your surgeon’s instructions and recommendations is necessary and very important.

Gastric Bypass Morocco


The results of your gastric bypass in Morocco are spectacular as this procedure allows you to lose 70% of your excess fat and improves your health by getting rid of some diseases like type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea…
It also helps you regain self confidence by feeling more comfortable and having a greater choice of clothing.
However, you must maintain a healthy lifestyle such as practicing regular physical activities and opting for healthy meals at fixed times of the day while avoiding snacking.